Respond to each item asked for on the rubric and answer the following questions.
- List the general properties of ionic compounds. (hardness? conductivity? conductivity in solution? melting point?)
- List the general properties of covalent substances. (hardness? conductivity? conductivity in solution? melting point?)
- What types of elements combine to form ionic bonds? Explain what happens with electrons with this type of bonding.
- What types of elements combine to form covalent bonds? Explain what happens with electrons with this type of bonding.
- Why do covalent compounds lack the ability to conduct electricity as a solid or in solution?
- Why do ionic substances conduct electricity in solution, but not as solids?
Solutions containing ions are often called “electrolyte solutions.” Research electrolytes and find out:
¨ Why drinks like Gatorade advertise that they contain electrolytes,
¨ What electrolytes have to do with you and exercising,
¨ How electrolytes are used by your body to transmit messages from your brain to your muscles,
¨ What is the electrolyte substance used by your body?