Monday, February 28, 2011

Lab 8.1 Percent Composition [Due Friday 3/4]

According to the Topps Company Inc, Bazooka Bubble Gum contains 3g of sugar per piece. In your experiment you calculated the percent sugar of the gum, and also did a percent error calculation to compare how much you actually got out.

Propose and explain at least one source of error in this experiment. Make sure you explain how it affected your results.

Explanations that are not acceptable include error in calculations, and errors in measurement. If you made these errors you would simply redo the calculation or the measurement.

Explanations that are acceptable would include reasons why the amount of sugar that you said disappeared was different than the amount of sugar represented on the box. When you do this you need to be sure that explain whether this error would make your value for the amount of sugar higher or lower, and how this influenced your results.


This blog is pretty straight forward and easy. I am looking for some feedback about the blog process. What makes them good and what makes them bad. Do you feel like you have enough help when you need it? Do the questions make you think, are they too easy, too confusing? Please tell me why you think what you do. I am looking for feedback that I can use for my graduate class. It does not need to be positive, but if you have negative things to say please try to make them constructive (I want to make the blog process better).

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