These three trends are more challenging to explain, explain them:
· Atomic radii trend going from left to right across a period. The heaviest elements in a period have the smallest radii. WHY?
· Electronegativity decreases when you move down a group. The larger the atom in the same group, the less it attracts electrons. WHY?
· Ionization
energies as you go from left to right across a period. It kind of
makes sense that it is harder to strip an electron from a metal than
from a non-metal, but WHY is this so?
key to explaining these trends is to figure out what “nuclear charge”
is, and then to figure out what it has to do with these property
trends. Google will be a big help if you ask the right question in the
search bar! Good luck, and of course, talk with your teacher as needed!
Why do you think the trends are referred to as being "PERIODIC." Hint the word periodical is sometimes used with magazines and newspapers that are delivered at regular intervals.
Why do you think the trends are referred to as being "PERIODIC." Hint the word periodical is sometimes used with magazines and newspapers that are delivered at regular intervals.
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