Hey Everyone, from reading your blogs it looks like you are getting the idea for the general outline and purpose of what we are trying to accomplish with the blog. If there are some comments asking you to add to your blog or edit it, please make the changes, your grade will reflect it.
For this experiment you need to write the normal paragraph summary outlining what you did. After you do that you need to consider the following:
1. Compare the amounts of iron, sand and salt that you had initially in your mixture to the amounts that you recovered. Were they all equal? Propose a reason for each of them being different than expected. I won't accept reasons stating that you measured wrong or did math incorrectly. I am looking for problems with the experiment.
2. How could you have made your separation better? For example: if you had sand left in your iron what could you have done to get it out?
3. Explain how you chose how many digits to round your final answers to.
Write a conclusion paragraph explaining how what we did relates to what we are currently doing in class. If you have further questions, this would be the place to ask the questions and address what happened.
Enrichment: Do a little research and find out the steps that are used to manufacture and purify a chemical. The important process here is the purification, because it directly relates to what we are doing in class.
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