Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Post 2.2 - Bag of Ions and Periodic Table Chem Crunch

After completing these activities I am looking for you guys to communicate your understanding for the organization for the periodic table. So please consider the following [Bill Nye Reference]

In your own words describe how the periodic table is arranged, you may wish to include something about the groups and periods, electron configuration, valence electrons, and the different families.

For the second part, I want you to compare and contrast ions and atoms:
  • What is similar about atoms and ions of the same element
  • What is different about atoms and ions of the same element
  • Why do ions form?
  • How can you predict the charge on an ion by looking at valence electrons and location on the periodic table
Overall, I am looking for how well you understand these concepts, if you have any questions use your packets and notes and chem crunches, and don't be afraid to ask questions!!